XML Feed Reference

Snagajob's XML feed nodes, elements, and examples.

General feed nodes


<?xml ?>


XML declaration

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>



Root node for the XML feed document.



Job-specific metadata.

Job feed elements

Job feed elements define job-specific metadata for a <Item> node.




The Brand name that is displayed on Snagajob search results.

<![CDATA[ABC Company]]>



The title of the job.

<![CDATA[Data Entry Clerk]]>


The type of job, full- or part-time. Defaults to FullTime,PartTime if left blank. Accepted values: FullTime PartTime Gig



Preferably a number like $10.00 (Including a currency symbol) or minimum to maximum range, and wording that uses hourly, such as “$10 - 15 per hour” are also acceptable.

<![CDATA[$10 - 15 per hour]]>


Preferably a store location number, street address, or city, state zip. Must be unique per location.

<![CDATA[Main Store 123]]>


The street address of the job's primary work location. Please include the street name and number. Street address may be used by Snagajob to improve the precision of location-based job search and will be displayed to job seekers.

<![CDATA[123 Main St]]>



The city in which this job is located. Must be a valid city based on USPS validation. If an invalid city is sent, the job will not be posted.




The state in which this job is located. Must be a State abbreviation (ex. VA, CA, FL)



The postal code in which this job is located. If the zip is not provided, then Snagajob will assign one. Zip is based on USPS standards and must only be the first five digits. The job will not be posted if the postal code and city do not align.




Include HTML formatting with the Job Description text. The text will be displayed without formatting if HTML formatting is not included. Phone numbers and External URLs will be removed.

<![CDATA[Something interesting about this posting.]]>






The URL for this job listing on your site. The apply URL must begin with http:// or https://.




Unique identifier per job posting. Snagajob uses this element to identify each job. Avoid changing this number once you’ve set it.



The Cost Per Click (CPC) bidding Rate. Formatted as ##.##



This field represents the Store number. While this element is not required, it’s highly encouraged to include



The URL to which Snagajob will send click data. Snagajob creates a GET request to this URL each time a worker clicks the ‘Apply Now’ button on Snagajob.



An image URL for the brand associated with the posting. Strongly recommended for maximizing performance.


Aggregate Job Feed Elements



A unique string to group employers so that a given partner can provide more than 1 aggregate file.



An ID that uniquely identifies an employer. This while preferability match the ID of the employer in your system.



The parent organization name.

For example, if subsidiaries or franchises have multiple <Brand> names under the same company, the <Employer_Name> would be the same for all those jobs.

<![CDATA[Parent Company Inc]]>

Easy Apply feed elements



Yes for Easy Apply



Yes for Easy Apply


Campaign feed elements

Field Name


Yes for campaigns

The unique ID for a campaign in your system. This ID will correspond to the ID value passed in the XML feed.



Yes for feed campaigns

The name of the campaign. It does not have to be unique.



The targeted number of applications for this campaign.



Recommend for best performance



The value of an actual bid set at the campaign level.



The designated budget for the campaign.






XML Examples

Single Customer Feed XML Example

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
        <Brand><![CDATA[Feed Cleaning Co]]></Brand>
        <Job_Title><![CDATA[Meat Server]]></Job_Title>
        <Address_Line_1><![CDATA[714 Naskog Drive]]></Address_Line_1>
        <City><![CDATA[Glen Allen]]></City>
        <!--BEGIN EASY APPLY INFO-->
        <!--Easy Apply elements are only applicable to partners with an Easy Apply integration-->
        <!--END EASY APPLY INFO-->
        <!--BEGIN CAMPAIGN INFO-->
        <!--campaign details are only applicable to those managing campaigns using their XML feed-->
        <!--END CAMPAIGN INFO-->

Aggregate Feed XML Example

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
        <!--posting associated with the first <Employer_ID>-->
        <Employer_Name><![CDATA[The Parent Employer Inc]]></Employer_Name>
        <Job_Title><![CDATA[Search Engine Evaluator - Work From Home]]></Job_Title>
        <Wage><![CDATA[$10.00 - $15.00 per hour]]></Wage>
        <Location_Name><![CDATA[Glen Allen Store 123]]></Location_Name>
        <Address_Line_1><![CDATA[123 Test Street]]></Address_Line_1>
        <City><![CDATA[Glen Allen]]></City>
        <Job_Description><![CDATA[Thanks for your interest!]]></Job_Description>
        <Primary_Industry><![CDATA[Customer Service]]></Primary_Industry>
        <!--BEGIN EASY APPLY INFO-->
        <!--Easy Apply elements are only applicable to partners with an Easy Apply integration-->
        <!--END EASY APPLY INFO-->
        <!--BEGIN CAMPAIGN INFO-->
        <!--campaign details are only applicable to those managing campaigns using their XML feed-->
        <!--END CAMPAIGN INFO-->
        <!--posting associated with a second <Employer_ID>-->
        <Job_Title><![CDATA[Search Engine Evaluator - Work From Home]]></Job_Title>
        <Wage><![CDATA[$10.00 - $15.00 per hour]]></Wage>
        <Location_Name><![CDATA[Glen Allen Store 123]]></Location_Name>
        <Address_Line_1><![CDATA[123 Test Street]]></Address_Line_1>
        <City><![CDATA[Glen Allen]]></City>
        <Job_Description><![CDATA[Thanks for your interest!]]></Job_Description>
        <Primary_Industry><![CDATA[Customer Service]]></Primary_Industry>


Industry Options

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Administration & Office Support

  • Agriculture & Environment

  • Automotive

  • Computers & Technology

  • Construction

  • Customer Service

  • Education

  • Food & Restaurant

  • Government & Military

  • Healthcare

  • Hotel & Hospitality

  • Installation & Repair

  • Law Enforcement & Security

  • Legal

  • Maintenance & Janitorial

  • Management

  • Media & Entertainment

  • Other

  • Personal Care & Services

  • Retail

  • Sales & Marketing

  • Salon/Spa/Fitness

  • Social Services

  • Transportation

  • Warehouse & Production

  • Wellness

  • Work at Home

Last updated

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